Congress Book, Poster Awards and Participation Info
W-CAN2021 Congress Book: Final version of the congress book can be accessed by the link below. please open the
Journal Information
Beyond inclusion in the proceedings of the W-CAN 2021 conference, papers from the conference will be recommended for publication
Abstract Submission: 1 April – 31 August 2021
Abstract Notification: 1 August – 10 September 2021
Full Paper Submission: 1 August – 31 October 2021
Reviewed Paper Submission: 1 August – 1 November 2021
Final Program: 15 November 2021
Conference Book Publication: 15 December 2021
Dear Respected Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the VIRTUAL CONGRESS – “World Congress on Applied Nanotechnology (W-CAN)”, which will be organized by Atatürk University, Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Application and Research Center between 24-26 November 2021.
W-CAN 2021 is an international platform that brings together a collection of leading researchers in the field of nanotechnology. The scientific program will include opening sessions led by distinguished scientists, presentations of sub-disciplines, interaction and sharing of young scientists and graduate students.
W-CAN will offer its participants the opportunity to discover the latest technologies and breakthroughs in the field of nanotechnology through its scientific sessions. It will be the first virtual platform to bring together experts from all over the world for new interdisciplinary scientific collaborations and networks. Due to the wide scope of the congress, W-CAN will present a scientific and up-to-date information festival to its participants with coordinated parallel sessions, oral presentations and poster presentations specific to the specific research area, where the most prominent invited speakers make their presentations.
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, we decided to turn W-CAN 2021 into a fully virtual event, with the WHO and CDC suggesting that large gatherings still reported a high risk of COVID-19 and the travel restrictions decisions taken by countries continued. Although our congress will be held on a virtual platform, we guarantee that it will be a congress where the scientific information content will be satisfactory, provide the participants with the opportunity to interact and collect good memories.
We hope that W-CAN will be the first link to bring together all the researchers who are devoted to nanotechnology and all stakeholders working in this field and that this new chain will grow by adding new links every year.
We are looking forward to meeting you at W-CAN !!
With our best regards,
Organizing Committee
For any other questions or concerns, please contact us: w-can@atauni.edu.tr