Conference Language
All oral and poster presentations will be in English.
There will be no charge for the registered audience. Please register and choose “No presentation – Audience Only” in the registration system.
Abstract/Full-Text Preparation Guide
Maximum 2 presentations allowed per participant.
The subject and problem, the purpose and importance of the research, the methods used in the research, data collection techniques, and the findings should be mentioned in each abstract or full text.
Please Right-CLICK and “Save link as” for the Abstract template (one page only).
For the Full-Text template, please Right-CLICK, and “Save link as” (minimum 2, maximum 4 pages).
Upload the file to the OpenConf system from the Registration button on the home page.
Presentation Durations
- Plenary Speakers: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion
- Oral Presentations: 15 minutes including discussion
- Short Oral Presentations: 5 minutes presentation + poster session
You can use the PowerPoint template for your presentations. Please Right-CLICK, and “Save link as“.
Poster Preparation Rules
The size of the posters should be A1; 59,4 cm (width) x 84,1 cm (height) (1684 x 2384 pixels @ 72 dpi) .
The font size should be large enough to be read from a distance of 1 m.
The names of the authors should be written under the abstract title and the name of the person who will present the abstract should be underlined.
Poster abstracts, Poster Presentations, and Short Oral Presentations will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.
The best posters will be exempt from participation fees next year and awarded with certificates. The awards will be presented at the closing ceremony.
Short oral presentations are a new presentation technique that has been applied in many international congresses. Presentations to be made in this way will be exhibited as “poster” ONLINE at poster hours and will be discussed with the audience. In addition, they will be presented orally in a time frame determined by the W-CAN congress. These presentations will be given a “Verbal Presentation Document”.
Attendance Certificates will be sent by e-mail after the conference.
A significant number of participation from both academia and industry is expected to the congress. For this reason, the congress will not only prepare a good presentation opportunity for academic research that includes innovative ideas for all areas of nanotechnology but also prepare a suitable environment for the development of joint projects between the university and the industry. However, such posters should be visually understandable.
Journal Information
Beyond inclusion in the proceedings of the W-CAN conference, papers from the conference will be recommended for publication in dedicated special issues of